Friday, November 9, 2007

Ok you asked for it, you got it....

Finally, a site listing domestically made toys that isn't full of dead links!

Anyone manage to wrest themselves from the grasp of the MIC market even a tad? It's not too late......


Tami of BrooksGroth said...

THANK YOU for this link ... I've only just begun to explore it and it's wonderful. I was getting really discouraged at trying to find things in stores -- even the great independent toy stores we try to visit. Now I'm going to give this link to the store owners at another way to encourage them to find and stock these products.

I do continue to struggle w/ doing no or little China made products simply as a statement among other things versus just being careful about the quality of the products. For example when I asked at an independent toy store recently they showed me some extra symbols on Haba and Plan toys and maybe some others that "show" they are safe even if they are made in Chine (Discovery Toys has something like that too but I've been struggling w/ them too because so many are made in China). Any thoughts you ever have on that even if you feel like you've said it all before is always welcome (I have your blog in Google Reader so I'm sure to see it.)


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Sandy said...

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