Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Saskatchewan family sues Mattel for lead in toys

Ok this piece actually made me laugh out loud... mostly because the lawyer in the case is um... well-known in SK for the cases he chooses. Let's just say that his nickname "Tony the rat" is not entirely undeserved. ;-) (I worked at a law firm briefly....)


Nice to see that Canada is catching up with its litigious neighbour to the south in the lawsuit department.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People keep pointing fingers at the wrong problem. The place where all these 'problems' stem from is known as the corporate profit margin. And that problem goes way back. A prime example; the exploding Pinto. 7 cents per unit could have kept the car from exploding but that would have cut into the profit margin. And, it is North American companies that are wanting the lowest cost per unit from the manufacturers thus creating the need for shortcuts and cost cutting in the production process.