Thursday, September 20, 2007

Playmobil - if it's German it can't be bad!

Blatant "Simpsons" reference aside, I do really enjoy German toys. :-)

Thrilled to find out today that Playmobil says this:

Only a few parts, less than 2 percent of the complete range of toys, are sourced from high-quality, long-term Chinese production partners. PLAYMOBIL sources these components because of the substantial amount of hand labor they require. We hold these manufacturers to the same high standards as we do with our European counterparts.

Now, ok, they're still plastic. But one step at a time, right? This is especially good for suggesting to family members that can't quite get their head around crunchier gifts, but Playmobil would be mainstream enough that they could feel they were having shopping fun, without having to think too hard.

Again, I'm not pretending there is a perfect solution, we could nitpick all day down to the idea that none of us should buy toys we didn't make ourselves, anyway... but just be conscious, ok?

(although, re-reading The Little House books with Aedhan, I figure I could probably at least wrap a corncob in a blanket for a doll, right? I'm that crafty. )

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