Sunday, September 9, 2007

This Christmas, A Lump of Lead?,9171,1659711,00.html

The thing that really bothers me most about all of this is, what about the toys we ALREADY HAVE in our homes? Before anyone was thinking to test them for lead? Do we have Diego, Dora, Barbie or our homes? (ok we don't, b/c they all annoy me, but we have Baby Einstein, Folkmanis - yep, made in China - plus a host of other brand names including HABA that may not be exempt)

What I want to know is, will those home lead tests, the little things you can swipe on your walls, etc, to test for lead... will they pick up lead paint on a toy? Because if so, I'm going to Home Depot to pick me up a gross of those thingies.

When I was home in Canada this summer, I would talk about my second son's lead test, and immediately be met with blank stares. Lead testing isn't standard in Canada for whatever reason. I'm urging my fellow Canadians to ask for lead testing for your children, for peace of mind. If they've been sucking on a lead-paint covered toy for 2 years, they certainly are at risk of having high lead levels with all the neurological implications that carries.


Unknown said...

I don't know for sure, but I know those home lead tests have been recommended for testing for lead in our kids' lunch boxes.

Yes, lead in lunch boxes too. Grrrr!!

beanjeepin said...

Or, you know, bibs. Which caused my son's finger stick level to be 13. THIRTEEN. Luckily his actual blood level was still ONE and we were quick enough to catch it. Down with vinyl bibs, and DOWN with finger stick blood draws (I'll never allow one again).