Saturday, September 8, 2007

Welcome to a China*-free** X***mas****

Disclaimers below:

* - Ok, so the point of this whole thing isn't just to bash China, as worthy a goal as that might be. ;-) "China" to me just represents what we're trying to get away from.... mass produced products from another country that has iffy standards and work practices and requires a crapload of fossil fuels to be shipped/flown to North America for our cheap enjoyment. It's a lot easier to type "China-free" than "Korea/China/Vietman/whatever-free", know what I mean? You wanna pick nits with that, go ahead, just not here. :-)

** - Also, "free" is really not meant to be some martyr-ish lofty goal that I will scorn you for not upholding. Come on now. :-) I want to challenge you to be conscious, make choices, think about where this stuff is coming from and what consequences that has. If that means that 95%, or 50%, or even 20% of your Christmas shopping this year is China-free by purposeful choice, then that's great. Not that I discourage any of you from joining us in our goal for 100% China-free Xmas, but let's put away the hairshirts for a while yet, m'kay?

*** - Anyone so inclined to get their knickers in a knot about how I just blithely "took the Christ out of Christmas" can click here. Typing Xmas saves my wee fingers. :-)

**** - And last but not least, look, I'm Christian and my family and I celebrate Christmas. For ME, the author of this blog, we're planning a China-Free Christmas. If any of you so desire, you can go right ahead and plan a China-free Yule, Kwanzaa, Hannukah, "holiday season" or whatever else you enjoy celebrating with the purchasing of material goods during December.

Ok, we done now? Let's get blogging!

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